Monday, February 20, 2012

The Value of a Good Example

Allow me to brag on my husband a bit, because frankly, he's the best.

Last Saturday, the Saturday before Valentines Day, we were so excited about the presents we had gotten each other that we just went ahead and gave them to each other. I gave David a photo book of our trip to Europe last May and he gave me a customized coupon book for things like "A Night of Nothing" which included take-out, him waiting on me hand and foot, and whatever else I felt like doing/not doing. Bragging point number one.

On Tuesday, actual Valentines Day, I knew we would give each other our cards that evening, and I suspected that there might be flowers for me when I got home from work, but what I didn't expect was to walk into my classroom and see a lovely tulip arrangement and a sweet card sitting on the piano bench, hand delivered by David. Bragging point number two.

This past Friday night, David took me out to dinner at our favorite French restaurant and then to see Wicked, my favorite Broadway show, at the BJCC. He also planned for us to stay overnight at the Redmont hotel downtown for a fun and relaxing Valentines weekend. David meticulously planned this weekend, even driving to the hotel Friday afternoon to make sure he knew where he was and where we needed to go for our evening of fun. Our dinner of chicken crepes was delicious and we headed to the show with great anticipation. As we were entering the theater, the ticket taker paused and said, "These tickets are for Thursday." My heart sank. Ticketmaster had sent us the wrong tickets, and believe me, these weren't the cheapest, peanut gallery tickets either! But David handled it all with such grace. We went to the ticket window, and he bought us another set of tickets, in the same section where our original tickets were supposed to be. I kept telling him he didn't have to, but he kept insisting that he wasn't going to let anything stop us from having our evening. Bragging point number three.

David is not perfect, but he is pretty incredible. I see God's hand so clearly in his life, growing and shaping him into the man He has planned for him to be. And yes, he may get annoyed at traffic or frustrated when things don't go as planned, but I see such maturity in him, maturity to handle unexpected situations, maturity to meticulously plan a weekend of fun for his wife, maturity to go the distance in the little things, like coupon books and flowers.

I know that David has gained much of this maturity from watching his father, and so really this post is not just about bragging on David, but on his dad and on the Lord, too. We cannot underestimate the value of a good example in a person's life. David would be only half the man he is today if it wasn't for his dad and the example he has set. And David's dad (or David, for that matter) would not be the man he is today if it wasn't for the work of salvation that God has done in his heart. So as David's dad follows daily after Christ, David is encouraged to follow daily after Christ, and one day, our children will look to their dad's example to follow daily after Christ.

I thank God for the wonderful example he has placed in my husband's life and for how that will reap benefits down the road that we can't even imagine now.

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